


  • Architecture and the buildings we create have a dramatic role in shaping communities, lives, and values.  We strive to provide buildings that will stand for generations as testaments of faith and devotion, that will invigorate their communities, and that will provide a sense of the transcendent and ennoble our hearts. We listen very carefully to the client’s wants and needs and produce a design that is specifically suited to them.

  • Cost is important in every project. We are good stewards of the client’s resources and are aware of cost at every level of the design process. We recommend cost estimating at particular points during the production of architectural plans as a method of knowing exactly what the cost will be. Pre-selection of a contractor has proven very successful for our clients. We have a very strong reputation of controlling cost.

  • We have a duty to produce responsible architecture in both process and product. The process should be a respectful one in which every team member from the client’s representative to the final clean-up crew is treated with the same appreciation and respect. The product should also be responsible, respectful of its context and with architectural honesty and integrity.
    Our firm’s members and consultants have a very strong work ethic.  We are rigorous in our work, scholarly in our approach, and process oriented to reach the best solution for each client's particular needs.

  • Hord Architects is committed to design that is rational, intelligible, and intuitive. We believe that expressing appropriate hierarchy, proportion, axial relationships, scale, materials, and ornamentation are essential to cities and buildings that are valued.
    Furthermore, ecclesiastical architecture should enjoy pride of place as an honorific building in a community and a church should reflect that inherent value.  We use building languages that relate to their context and also provide meaning and theological significance.